Department of Prosthodontics


Prosthodontics is one of the major clinical   specialties of dentistry, that deals with the replacement of missing teeth by artificial means. The department includes a clinical hall and various dental laboratories to support the clinic. It also houses a state-of-the-art CAD/CAM laboratory as well. The services offered to the patients include from simple removable dentures; fixed conventional bridges to advanced fixed restorations including CAD/CAM based guided implant treatment.

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Abdul Mueed Zaigham HOD & Professor / BDS, FCPS (Prosthodontics)


Prosthodontics department consists of:

  1. Prosthodontic clinic (Clinical Hall – 2) houses 18 dental units.
  2. A consultant clinic
  3. Prosthodontics laboratory
  4. Ceramic laboratory
  5. Plaster Room
  6. CAD/CAM laboratory

Teaching & Training:

Prosthodontics department is involved in:

  • Pre-clinical prosthodontics teaching & training in 2nd year BDS.
  • Clinical training of 3rd year & Final year BDS students.
  • Clinical rotation for the house job – almost 15 doctors in each batch.
  • Prosthodontics department is also accreted for postgraduate FCPS training as well and currently about 12 PG’s are under training.

Research & Publications:

All the faculty members and postgrad students are involved in active research projects and have a number of publications both in national & international journals.

Faculty & Staff

Prof. Dr. Hina Zafar Raja Professor / Dr
Dr. Muhammad Afzal Associate Professor
Dr. Atiq Ur Rehman Assistant Professor
Dr. Aqeel Ibrahim Senior Registrar / BDS, FCPS (Prosthodontics)
Dr. Khalid Yaqub Senior Registrar
Dr. Saira Ibrahim Senior Registrar
Dr. Hurria Shafi Kalyar Demonstrator
Dr. Sanaa Alamgir Demonstrator

Department Activities