Visit of Faculty of Yeditepe’ University, Istanbul, Turkey

Visit of Faculty of Yeditepe’ University, Istanbul, Turkey

Faculty of Yeditepe’ university visited CMH Lahore Medical College and IOD to pursue scientific, technical and educational collaborations on exchange of ideas, skills and techniques of mutual interest in health sciences research and education. Yeditepe’ University was founded in 1996 and possesses 13 faculties, seven postgraduate programs and 10 research and application centers. Dr Ceyhun Canpolat, Assistant Professor Prosthodontics department, Yeditepe’ university met Chief executive CMH Lahore Medical College and IOD along with other senior officials. Dr Ceyhun expressed commendable remarks on the infrastructure and college facilities. This visit may prove as a robust step towards future international collaborations of CMH LMC and IOD.